
2022 Academia Sinica OPENHOUSE Online Exhibits “Archives on Post-War US Aid and Taiwan”

With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across the world for the last two years, epidemic prevention and public health have become hot topics globally. In coordination with the Academia Sinica OPENHOUSE on October 29, the Archives of the Institute of Modern History selects valuable historical materials on post-war US aid and Taiwan for an exhibition online. A guide is provided to the stories of the International Cooperation Administration/Mission to China (the US organ handling the aid then), its counterparts in Taiwan, medical care and nursing aid provided, and Taiwan's aid to other countries when she had the ability. Everyone is welcome to view the exhibits.

Website: https://openhouse2022.archives.sinica.edu.tw/ (open a new window)
Opening time: from 9 AM, October 28 (Friday)

Time of announcement: 2022/10/27