


The Chinese Repository (中國叢報), 1832-1851.
The Repository served a necessary function by forcing the missionaries to keep up with what was happening in China and then to attempt to organize this scattered data into a coherent, literate form. The information was then published and provided both the local foreign community and the home body with a wealth of insights into the nature of conditions in China.

The Chinese Recorder, 1868-1932. Shanghai.
The Chinese Recorder is a valuable source for studying the missionary movement in China and the effect the missions had on shaping Western perceptions of and relations with the Far East. It was published monthly by the Protestant missionary community in China, and was the only English-language publication to last for 72 years. It served as a link between the various missions that were part of the rise and heyday of the Western effort to Christianize the Far East. It provided information about individual missionaries and mission activities, recounting their progress on evangelical, educational, medical, and social fronts. It featured articles on China’s people, history, and culture.

H. B. Morse (馬士), The International Relations of the Chinese Empire (中華帝國對外關係史):
馬士曾長期供職於清朝海關總稅務司造冊處,因而他以對中國情況極其諳熟而又能接觸到英國和中國海關檔案的 優越條件研究清朝對外關係。其中第一卷《衝突時期》集中論述的是 1843-1860 年這一歷史階段,其中對早期中西接觸與衝突,也有同樣詳盡的敘述。

Samuel Wells Williams (衛三畏), The Middle Kingdom (中國總論). London, 1883.
衛三畏是最早來華的美國傳教士之一,也是美國第一位漢學教授,他的《中國總論》全面介紹了中國的地理、政府、教育、社會生活、藝術和宗教等, 也有大量關於清朝前期對外關係的敘述。

China. Imperial Maritime Customs. Shanghai: Statistical Department of the Inspectorate General, 1893-1933.

《字林西報》的前身是《北華捷報》(North-China Herald)的增刊《每日航運和商業新聞》(Daily Shipping and Commercial News)。《北華捷報》由英國拍賣行商人(auctioneer)Henry Shearman(?-1856)於1850年8月3日在上海的英租界創辦,每星期六出報。早期的《北華捷報》和《字林西報》已很難看到。北京大學圖書館、中國國家圖書館藏有十九世紀末以來的《北華捷報》和1927年以來的《字林西報》大部分原報。……資料來源:http://www.beiwaionline.com/englishstudy/2003/MAR/corridor_01.htm

H. F. MacNair, Modern Chinese History: Selected Readings, 1927.




中國國民黨中央委員會黨史會編,《中華民國重要史料初編-對日抗戰時期,第三編:戰時外交》(三冊),臺北市:中國國民黨中央委員會黨史會, 民70-77。

第一篇 總論
第二篇 國際形勢與外交政策
第三篇 外交行政機構的演變
第四篇 與各國關係 (亞太、美洲、歐洲、中東及非洲地區)
第五篇 國際事務與國際合作

Foreign relations of the United States.  United States. Dept. of State. Washington : G.P.O., 1870-

